I was reading the book Building A Second Brain when it said something along the lines of:
"We keep asking ourselves the same questions over time. They usually don't change, or only change slightly. Everyone has around 10-15 questions that we constantly try to answer."
So I asked myself: what questions do I ask myself on a daily basis?
I wrote them down and here are my answers:
- How can I feel more at peace and reduce suffering?
- Why do people behave the way they do? Why do I behave the way I do?
- How can I make my life more aligned? How can I have more fun, live with positive emotions and be high energy? How can I do more things in my day to day that energize me?
- How can I help others most? What are their needs and how can I help them reach it? What is "my" gift to the world that will impact millions of people?
- How can I spend more time doing what I love?
- How can an innovation reach more people (scale/impact)?
- What can I remove from my life that doesn't serve me? How can I spend more quality time?
- What organization systems work best for humana/human groups?
- What are the impact of things on things? What do things mean?
- How can I be a better version of myself? Maximize my potential and time on earth?
- How can individual pieces be connected to create the best collective one (systems)?
- Why are things the way they are?
- How can I maximize my lifestyle and not be bound to producing money but value (assets)?
- What is "my" gift to the world that will impact millions of people?
- How should I spend my time? What should I do?
Based on knowing these questions, I realized that it makes total sense for me to make coaching and understanding human behavior a key activity of my life - as it's my true passion.
Fun fact: I found a few notes from 4 years back, and the topics were exactly the same!
Here a note on reducing human suffering...
And here a note on perspectives, inner purpose, and more. The topic that I've been following for years...
Your Turn
Ask yourself:
- What questions do I ask myself on a daily basis? Where does my mind puts its focus on and what is it trying to solve?
- Ask your friends: what do I constantly think of?
- And ask your family: as a kid, what did I put my focus on?
Knowing what your mind and heart puts your focus on will help you understand yourself better.
Did this exercise help you? I'd love to read it in comments!